Baby Carriers Ergo vs. Lillebaby vs. Bjorn

This seems to be a trial and error category for many. I know that the
only people who seemed to be complacent with their purchase has been
Ergobaby owners and I think that’s because they don’t know what else
is out there and the Ergo does it’s job and is comfortable. It does,
however, come with a pretty hefty price tag.

I bought a Boba carrier before L.O. was even born. I am a huge huge
huge sucker for flash sale sites and there it was! The Boba carrier
looked perfect and was half off. Too bad I didn’t read the fine
print. The weight requirements were way off for someone having a
newborn. Especially, since my baby was only 6.3lbs when she was born
and is still in the 10th percentile at 7 months! She is just not a
big eater (which boggles my mind because both my hubby and I love

Anyway, so I had this carrier and ended up sending it to my brother
who’s baby was huge and would fit the 15 lbs min requirement. I
asked him for the hand-me-down Bjorn he had received from my Uncle and
I used that for about 2 weeks. Oh MY GOD! My back! I felt like
someone had snapped me in half and actually, that was the beginning of
my now, chronic back problems.

Obsessive as I am, this triggered a carrier search which brought me to
the Lillebaby. Now, I almost bought an Ergo too. But, wanted the
option of my baby to be front facing. At 2 months she was already so
alert and wanted to see everything. So, I started to look for other
options that would also have Bjorn qualities. The Lillebaby is the
perfect melding of the two. But, what’s even better is that you get 6
different positions to carry your child and this thing has a 65lb
weight limit. Not that that is necessary, but it’s nice to have that

LO is now 8 months old and we still put her in this carrier all the time.  She’s not a big stroller lover.  But, this Lillebaby carrier has saved our lives for 4 months now.  She sleeps in it like a champ and you can see that she’s very comfortable.  I haven’t tried all the other positions, only front (facing in), back and front (facing out).  I’m not good with mechanics and the straps confuse me.  I have, however, read from other blogs that it’s a snap to have them on your side or cradled.  Our 3 main positions have sustained us thus far.  The price tag for a lillebaby will run about $80+.  I have the Nordic, but the EveryWear model also seems fantastic.  Once in awhile you will find Scandinavian Child (Lillebaby’s parent company) having a sale on flash sites such as Zulily or Totsy.  I’ve seen them sell for $40.

I love this thing so much I should be their spokeswoman.  Two of my coworkers have already replaced their carriers with this one.  Woohoo! Happy baby carrying…. 🙂

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